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hapé Snuff

The hapé we source is purchased directly from tribes we have deep relationships within the Amazon jungle. It is made under strict conditions by the tribes who have passed down their recipes from generation to generation for hundreds of years. It contains many different Amazonian plants, herbs, seeds, and trees.

To learn more about hapé, visit the home page.

To order Hape or Sananga, please select size and quantity from the available blends below and email your order to us with your full name and shipping address. Ones your order is received, we will respond with your total and payment options. 

As always, free shipping over $111

Discount on larger orders

All bundle specials are customizable upon request




Sample of 6 hapé, 10ml/6g each (Value ~$119)

Capim Santo, Lourinho, Pixuri, Jaguar, Veia de Paje, Mulungu

includes free priority shipping within the US


Sample of 6 hapé, 20ml/12g each (Value ~$263)

Lourinho, Pixuri, Aya Paje, Veia de Paje, Artemisia, Mulungu

plus a 3ml sample of sananga eye drops

includes free priority shipping within US


Sample of 10 hapé, 20ml/12g each (Value ~$437)

 Lourinho, Pixuri, Aya Paje, Esperanca, Cravinho, Mulungu, Apurina, Sananga, Artemisia, Capim Santo

 plus 10 ml Sananga eye drops

includes free priority shipping within US


Sample of 11 hapé, 30ml/20g each (Value ~$765)

11 large bottle of your choice plus

20 ml Sananga eye drops

includes free priority shipping within US

Sananga eye drops available for $8/3ml $27/10ml or $48/20ml

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Pau Pereira     

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Tabernaemontana laevis
Recipe: Yanomami
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Pau Pereira Bark
Element: Fire
Strength: Strong

New Batch

The Pau Pereira plant and the hape are used in various indigenous traditions of the Amazon basin, and it is considered one of the top 10 most important Brazilian medicinal plants. For psychic health, it is indicated for anxiety because it brings clarity and returns the person to the present moment. It is a strong and traditional medicine, that harnesses the element of fire which is very powerful. It is to be used with respect and intention.


Aya Paje         

30ml/20g > $65

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

Latin names: Banisteriopsis caapi
and Psychotria viridis
Recipe: Kuntanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Chacrona and Jagube
Strength : Strong

New Batch

Ayahuasca hape from the Kuntanawa tribe is a strong hape, made by combining the vine Banisteriopsis caapi and the leaf of Chacruna, which are both dried in the sun. It is a natural and organic hape, so the medicine preserves the active principals and creates well being. The hape helps in spiritual cleansing and it is a way to work more closely with plant spirits. It is very activating to the Crown Chakra. 



30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Katukina
Tobacco: Mapacho Tobacco
Ashes: Nissural, Murici, Tsunu and Cumaru 
Element: Fire
Strength: Strong

New batch

This hapé is a unique blend of tsunu, murici, cumaru and and the native medicine Nissural. This hapa blend can provide a calming effects to facilitate sleep and remove head and body aches. Nissural opens ones heart and clears negative energy from within


Tsunu Cacau       

New Batch<<<

30ml/20g > $60 

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name; Theobroma Cacao

Recipe: Huni Kuin
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Cacao bark, Tsunu

Element; Air and Fire
Strength : Medium

Heart Center. This Hape’ is wonderful to work with energies centered in the heart chakra. Helping you to see and feel that which needs more love and nurturing attention. Releasing heaviness in the heart. There is a strong resonance of self-love with this medicine and an embrace that the medicine envelopes you in. 


Jurema Preta - Bobinsana           

New Batch<<<

30ml/20g > $65

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

Latin name: Mimosa hostilis
Recipe: Yanomami
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Jurema Preta root bark
Element: Ether
Strength: Strong

Sirinita. Jurema Preta belongs to family of master plants used in various native wisdom traditions in South and Central America. It is used by Shamans as one of the plants of most spiritual power and take the hape before rituals to help in clairvoyance, connection to the spiritual realms and cleansing of the mind. The indigenous of Brasil use it to invoke the enchanted beings of the forest. Taking it is like bathing in light, all thought it is a quiet strong medicine. It said to be holding the key for the seven upper dimensions. 



30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Nukini
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash; Tsunu bark and Sansara leaves

Element: Water
Strength: Gentle

Healing and Joy. Sansara is known as a plant of great spiritual power by indigenous wisdom and carries a lot of respect for the peoples of the Amazon. Its strength characterizes itself as feminine quality of cleansing, comfort, clarity and relaxation. It relaxes the physical and spiritual bodies, bringing more coherent and clear thought, especially in hard times. It is a bronchodilator, an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory, attuning to clearing headaches and healing respiratory problems. This plant is very sought after in medicines for its spiritual strength and aroma, but it is not always easy to find.


Espiritu de Jaguar

New Batch<<<

30ml/20g > $80

20ml/12g > $48

10ml/6g   > $24

Recipe: Nukini
Ash; Pimenta Lunga

Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco, Mapacho
Element: Fire and Ether
Strength: Strong

Forest Guardian. Made by Nukini Pajé (shaman) in the region of Rio Moa River in Acre. A rare, highly blessed blend infused with the spirit of the jaguar force in prayers and preparation by a Nukini Master. It's good for increasing precision, protecting one's space, connecting with silence, elevation, cleansing, and bringing more vivid dreams.  It is known as the hape of the Jaguar, as it carries its spirit and strength. In Portuguese, the Jaguar is called Onça Pintada.

It has healing properties, deep cleansing, connection with the spirit, elevation and protection. This incredible Jungle Rapé projects us into a state of deep connection with our own spirit and with the strength of the Jaguar.

Strong, grounding in the body while the spirit can move freely. Perfect for meditation. 



30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Dipteryx odorata
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash : Cumaru Ferro

Element; Earth
Strength: Medium

Levity. A traditional remedy to the Amazon basin, this hape is light and aromatic. It is known to be regenerative to the body, bringing strength, harmony and levity to the mind. It is kin to the traditional hape known as Cumaru but it is lighter and more aromatic. Cumaruzinho is made from a plant and the traditional Cumaru is made from the bark of the tree but the two medicines are similar of their energies Good for replenishing vital energy. Centers the mind. This blend is great for clearing the airways and reset the mind. Excellent for meditation and insight. 


Capim Santo

New batch

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Plant: Lemongrass 
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash : Tsunu-Platicyamus Regnelli
Strength: Gentle

Paz. This herbaceous plant is known as an immune protectant, aiding to strengthen the body and to prevent disease. It is also soothing to digestion and help reduce nausea. It is a traditional hape in the Amazon basin, very commonly used by many cultures, known as a great friend and ally. It is a lighter medicine with a pleasant aroma and balanced energy. Often used in "vomitivo", lemongrass known to invite loving spirits into the body, leaving no space for negative energies. 



New batch

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name; Laurus Nobilis

Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Mapacho
Ash : Laurel leaves

Strength: Medium

Prosperity. Made from Laurel leaves, also known as Bay leaves. In Greek mythology it is a symbol of courage and strength. It is actually a panacea that treat a number of maladies other than also being a great leaf to use as an instrument for smudge, cleansing spaces. This hape drives away negative energies. Lourinho is a hape that works vitality, joy and prosperity. It is a symbol of wealth that demonstrate triumph and victory. It is also used to purify and honor ancestry



New Batch

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash : Cravinho

Element: Air
Strength: Medium

Simplicity. Another one of the traditional blends from the state of Acre, Brazil. It is commonly used by numerous traditional cultures and is readily available in many regions of the Amazon. Often called little clove because the aroma resembles  the clove plant. Euphoric experience with good energy within the mind and body. It can strengthen the immune system and can prevent against cold and flue.  This medicine has the affinity for the respiratory tract and lungs. Also great for headaches. It is an aromatic and sweet blend which opens and clears the airways. A simple and sweet medicine. 


Rosa Branca


30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

LatinName: Rosa Alba

Recipe: Nukini
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco

Plant: White Rose
Element: water and Ether

Strength: Medium

Grace. This beautiful calming female blend is made with Tsunu ashes and white roses. White roses are traditionally used in Brasil for herbal baths for its calming and aura cleansing properties. White roses are related to the feminine, the force of the Queen of the sea. Her name is Yemanja in the Afro-Yoruban Orixa tradition. Although this blend carries soft strength, it is still a strong medicine. 



New batch

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Ocimum Gratissimum
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Element; Earth

Strength: Medium

Earth Guardian. An Earthy hape, this plant is a cousin to basil, marjoram and mint, having a strong medicinal, cleansing and aromatic quality common to plants in the family. This medicine is used for treating digestive issues and is commonly in the belief systems of indegionus cultures to ward away "evil eye" and negative energies granting spiritual protection to those who make use of it's medicine, protecting from the pollution of the modern world.  Antifungal, antioxidant, limit inflammation and infection. 



New Batch<<<

30ml/20g > $65 

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

Latin name; Erythrina Mulungu

Recipe: Puyanawa

Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco

Ashes: Inner root bark

Element: Earth and Water

Strength: Strong

Deep Relaxation. Wow! This hape is incredible! It is extremally calming and i feel everyone can use some help in this crazy amazing world of ours. Mulungu has a long tradition of use in Brazil and Peru as a natural sedative for nervous disorders such as insomnia, anxiety, stress and depression. It has become one of our most popular herbs for sleep problems, and many people find it very effective. Mulungu is a strong sedating herb – it calms and sedates the nervous system to encourage deep sleep and healthy sleeping patterns. It’s also beneficial for mental disturbances such as depression, anxiety and stress, hysteria, panic, trauma and shock.

Mulungu is used in both Brazil and Peru for epilepsy due to its proven sedating effects on overactive neurotransmitters.

Mulungu is also used in South America to treat hepatitis and liver disorders, as it tones and strengthens the liver, and helps to clear obstructions and reduce inflammation. It is used to lower blood pressure and as a cardiotonic for heart palpitations. Mulungu is also traditionally used as an antispasmodic for asthma, bronchitis and coughs.

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New Batch<<<

30ml/20g > $65 

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

Latin name; Artemisia Vulgaris

Recipe: Puyanawa

Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco

Ashes: Mugwort leaves

Element: Ether

Strength: Medium-Strong

Dream. This magical plant has been known to provoke lucid dreaming, as well as other wide ranging properties.
It has a big affinity in the female reproductive system in regulating the menstrual cycle,
demising cramps, and cleansing the uterus physiologically as well as energetically.
A very calming plant, helps to relieve insomnia and aid in depression. A wonderful plant ally for any medicine cabinet

In the Middle Ages, mugwort was used as a magical protective herb, also as a remedy against fatigue and to protect travelers against evil spirits and wild animals. Roman soldiers wore it inside their sandals to protect their feet from fatigue.

It was widely used in witchcraft, because it was said to induce lucid dreams and astral travel. Smoking or consuming the plant, before sleeping, increases the intensity of sleep, the level of control and helps to remember them when waking up.



30ml/20g > $65

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

Latin name: Tabernaemontana Undulata
Recipe: Huni Quin
Tobacco: Mapacho

Strength: Strong

Crystalline energy. This powerful hape assist in removing blockages, specially from the pineal gland and leaving you with an uplifting energy. Its qualities are very clearing, energizing, light and warming. It helps removing bad luck and it activates the healing heat in the hands. 


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Apurina Verde      

30ml/20g > $80 

20ml/12g > $48

10ml/6g   > $24


Recipe: Apurinã
Tobacco: None
Sun Dried Herbs : Awiri and others

Elementh: Ether

Strength : Gentle

New Batch<<<

Medicine of Light. A beautiful feminine hapé made by the women of the Apurina tribe from Brazil. It is extremely rare and precious, with limited supply due to the nature of the complex ingredients and their harvest time when the tides are low. The blend contains about 50 different herbs which has been kept in secret by the tribe.
Apurina Verde is a gentle and subtle
hapé with mild jungle overtones, that leaves a pleasant aroma with a fresh and heightened awareness. Apurina Verde contains no tabacco and no ashes, and therefore is good for those who prefer the cleansing without the strong force of mapacho and possible purging. The initial physical effect is fairly mild but the calming effect on the mind is almost instant.

To honor the feminine nature of this hapé, it is recommended to be served by women.


7 Estrellas     

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Nukini
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Blend of 7 plants
Strength: Medium-Strong

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Ancestral Connection, Inspiration and serenity. Xiti Nukini form the Nukini tribe, master of his people, outdid himself with this beautiful blend. The 7 Stars, referring to the Pleiades, is a medium strength hape with minty and fresh fruit notes that elevates ones vibration immediately. Powerful but smooth. We are not sure which herbs and what he exactly did but in general, he used herbs to lift the spirit, which herbs are commonly used in preparations for spiritual cleansing blended with Tsunu ash.


Veia de Paje      

30ml/20g > $80

20ml/12g > $48

10ml/6g   > $24

Recipe: Kuntanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Veia de Pajé Bark
Element: Fire

Strength: Strong

New Batch<<<

Strength and Alchemy. A this beautiful, very fine hapé is made by the Kuntanawa tribe in the Acre, Brazil. It's made with a thin vine called “Veia de Pajé”, Shaman´s Vein. It is also called Heart of the Boa Constrictor because of it´s heart shaped leaves, or sometimes just Jiboia, little Boa. Used by the tribe for different types of magic in the forest. It keeps negative energies at bay and attracts positive ones, like an energetic attractor. It attracts good things, but it is good to keep our mind firm and focused on what we want to call in and not to attract the wrong things. It aids in protecting against jealousy and spiritual persecution, always giving us a good direction of proper conduct and thoughts of spiritual alchemy.


Forca Feminina    

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Yawanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash: Tsunu
Element: Ether

Strength : Medium-Strong

New Batch<<<

Center. Such as the original Feminine Strength hape, this is a conquest of feminine leadership for the tribe. It is made with Tsunu ashes by the Yawanawa tribe who is well known for their growing number of powerful female healers. This hape is made only by women of the tribe. It helps open channels and release heavy energy, so that one may be more receptive to subtle realms.

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New batch<<<

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Licaria Puchury
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash : Murici

Element; Earth

Strength: Strong

Vision. Pixuri has a delicious scent and a special flavor. For this blend, the leaves of the Pixuri tree are used. It is a highly medicinal plant that combats headaches and in herbal baths for spiritual cleansing, attracting good things and wade away the bad. The seeds are known as Brazilian nutmeg, used in cooking. The leaves have more minty refreshing scent with antiseptic, antibacterial and anti -inflammatory qualities. It is a libido enhancer and stimulant. 

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