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30ml/20g > $65

20ml/12g > $30

10ml/6g   > $24

Recipe: Nukini
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco, Mapacho
Element: Fire and Ether
Strength: Strong

From the Nukini tribe, this blend comes with a strong spirit. Nukini blends are known for opening your third eye to receive messages or clarity. They are stronger and more sensational than other blends. This blend has the perfect balance of yopo in it, which is a powerful entheogen, so you can get access to the healing properties of the Divine yet remain grounded. This rapéh is perfect for sitting with a specific problem that you would like guidance on. 



30ml/20g > $60 

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Aspidosperma nitidum
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Carapanaúba bark
Element: Earth
Strength: Strong

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Strength and Grounding. A strong, powerful hape from the Puyanawa tribe. Element: earth. The Carapanauba tree is potent medicine against Malaria in the Amazon, other than being a remedy for a plethora of diseases including maladies of the liver, the digestive system, diabetes, fewer, bronchitis, rheumatism, cancer, uterine and ovarian inflammatory conditions. It is a panacea  and a great friend to the people of the Amazon basin. It is a strong and bitter hape, very useful to strengthening and bringing healing to the physical bdy.



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30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Nukini
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash; Tsunu bark and Sansara leaves

Element: Water
Strength: Gentle

Healing and Joy. Sansara is known as a plant of great spiritual power by indigenous wisdom and carries a lot of respect for the peoples of the Amazon. Its strength characterizes itself as feminine quality of cleansing, comfort, clarity and relaxation. It relaxes the physical and spiritual bodies, bringing more coherent and clear thought, especially in hard times. It is a bronchodilator, an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory, attuning to clearing headaches and healing respiratory problems. This plant is very sought after in medicines for its spiritual strength and aroma, but it is not always easy to find.



30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18


Another amazing medicinal hape from the Kuntanawa tribe. Its regulates blood pressure (lowers high blood pressure) decreases stomach heat removes weakness and drowsiness after ayahuasca. Medium strength



30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Ceiba Pentadra
Recipe: Kuntanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Samauma bark
Element: Spirit
Strength: M

Low Stock

This is the largest tree in the Amazon forest and one of the largest in the world, growing up to 300 feet. it is known as the mother of all the other trees. Named Kapok tree in English. This is one of the most sacred allies of the indigenous people of the Amazon basin, even among the Mayans. Its roots are capable of sourcing water from very deep in the Earth, not only to supply iyself, but for numerous other creatures that call this majesty home. It said that an enchanted spirit works trough this tree, communicating trough knocks on the forest. It is for all of these reasons that the indigenous use it's bark for making hape, as well as mixing it into the entheogen brew ayahuasca, to receive the blessings of the Queen of the Forest.



30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Ptychopetalum Olacoides
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Marapuama flowers
Element: Water
Strength: Medium

low Stock

Marapuama is most commonly known as a libido enhancer and central nervous system stimulant. it tonifies muscle mass, stimulates circulation and it is an anti-depressant. A hape made flowers of this plant is the greatest expression of Marapuama. It is a medicine that uplifts and inspires and brings great vitality

Licaria excelsa_0.jpg


New batch<<<

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name: Licaria Puchury
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash : Murici

Element; Earth

Strength: Strong

Vision. Pixuri has a delicious scent and a special flavor. For this blend, the leaves of the Pixuri tree are used. It is a highly medicinal plant that combats headaches and in herbal baths for spiritual cleansing, attracting good things and wade away the bad. The seeds are known as Brazilian nutmeg, used in cooking. The leaves have more minty refreshing scent with antiseptic, antibacterial and anti -inflammatory qualities. It is a libido enhancer and stimulant. 




30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Latin name; Platysyamus Regnellii

Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ash : Tsunu and secret
Element; Air and Earth

Strength: Gentle

The hape Esperanca refers to the "Great Green" of the forest. Esperanca translates to Hope. This blend is similar to Tsunu. This hape is gentle and earthy and the other plants that has been mixed in with the Tsubu have been left to discretion of the medicine maker. Hape Esperanca is a very traditional in the state of Acre where great number of the indigenous cultures reside. 

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Jurema Branca

30ml/20g > $65 

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

New Batch<<<

Latin name; Mimosa Verrucosa
Recipe: Yanomami
Tobacco: Organic rope tobacco
Ashes: White Jurema Bark
Strength: Strong

Ancestrial Guardian. Jurema Branca (white Jurema)is a plant of truly amazing power. Jurema gives us the opportunity to be more who we are and helps strengthen our communication and harmony with the spirits of nature and mother earth. It brings great cleaning and harmonious growth of the auric field. It offers the power to listen with attention and care to our own feelings and those around us. Strong, great for cleansing the mental plain and to cleanse the pineal gland.


30ml/20g > $60 

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18


low stock

Latin name: Epipremnum Pinnatum
Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobbacco
Ashes: Jiboia leaves
Strength: Medium

jiboia means python or serpent. A mystical power is recognized in this plant to "open the paths". It is used as a purgative for intense energies and also for parasites in the body. Its long vine like form has been recognized by the scientific community as a conductor for electric currents which signatures in an interesting lens the sacred use in ancestral indigenous traditions



Latin name: Byrosima Crassifolia
Recipe: Huni Kuin
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Murici
Element: Air
Strength: Medium-Strong

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Low Stock<<<

Joy and ClarityThe Huni Kuin Murici hape is prepared with organic rope tobacco and the ashes of the bark of the Murici tree. The tree produces a fruit that is very well liked by the animals of the forest. According to the Huni Kuin, this hape helps combat fatigue and to maintain and active spirituality. It's strength is associated with the joy of celebration and friends. 




30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Puyanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Plant: Eucalyptus
Strength: Strong

Activate and Breathe. Eucalyptus is a truly medicinal plant, clearing out airways, ease bronchial issues, controlling blood sugar, clearing the chest and sinuses and ease joint pain. It cleanses negative energies and toxins and purifies the body, mind and spirit. It is a powerful ally for those going trough hardship or feeling unsettled  as it believed to help with insight of the future. 




30ml/20g > $65

20ml/12g > $39

10ml/6g   > $20

Latin name: Tabernaemontana Undulata
Recipe: Huni Quin
Tobacco: Mapacho

Strength: Strong

Crystalline energy. This powerful hape assist in removing blockages, specially from the pineal gland and leaving you with an uplifting energy. Its qualities are very clearing, energizing, light and warming. It helps removing bad luck and it activates the healing heat in the hands. 


7 Estrellas     

30ml/20g > $60

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18

Recipe: Nukini
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Blend of 7 plants
Strength: Medium-Strong

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Ancestral Connection, Inspiration and serenity. Xiti Nukini form the Nukini tribe, master of his people, outdid himself with this beautiful blend. The 7 Stars, referring to the Pleiades, is a medium strength hape with minty and fresh fruit notes that elevates ones vibration immediately. Powerful but smooth. We are not sure which herbs and what he exactly did but in general, he used herbs to lift the spirit, which herbs are commonly used in preparations for spiritual cleansing blended with Tsunu ash.


30ml/20g > $60 

20ml/12g > $36

10ml/6g   > $18


Latin name: Phytelepas Aequatorialis
Recipe: Kuntanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobbacco
Ashes: Jarina flowers
Strength: Medium

The cosmology of the Kuntanawa people is centered around palm trees, such as Jarina. They say their people came to earth riding on these trees. Jarina flowers are very traditional medicine, carrying ancestral secrets of the Kuntanawa people. It is a few who knows how to work with this medicine. It said to drive away negative energy, bringing balance, open paths, peace and tranquility in your walk


Veia de Paje      

30ml/20g > $80

20ml/12g > $48

10ml/6g   > $24

Recipe: Kuntanawa
Tobacco: Organic Rope Tobacco
Ashes: Veia de Pajé Bark
Element: Fire

Strength: Strong

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Strength and Alchemy. A this beautiful, very fine hapé is made by the Kuntanawa tribe in the Acre, Brazil. It's made with a thin vine called “Veia de Pajé”, Shaman´s Vein. It is also called Heart of the Boa Constrictor because of it´s heart shaped leaves, or sometimes just Jiboia, little Boa. Used by the tribe for different types of magic in the forest. It keeps negative energies at bay and attracts positive ones, like an energetic attractor. It attracts good things, but it is good to keep our mind firm and focused on what we want to call in and not to attract the wrong things. It aids in protecting against jealousy and spiritual persecution, always giving us a good direction of proper conduct and thoughts of spiritual alchemy.

Kambo Provider, Artist, Nutritionist
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